Sunday, September 8, 2013

Family Safe Carpet Cleaning - Products & Services

Green Carpet Cleaning 100% Natural

Your children and pets are the ones in contact with your carpet on a regular basis in  your home. Roughly 75% of all carpet cleaners in Houston Texas use toxic chemicals like butyloxy ethanol which is also called butyl to clean your carpet. Some knowingly, some not knowingly. This product has been known to cause damage to the central nervous system, kidneys, liver and blood. It's not worth the risk. Trust us on this.

The Benefits of our Organic Carpet Cleaning is that the cleaning solution is made from natural sources. You can actually drink our carpet cleaning solutions. Don't believe it?  Give us a call we will give you a demonstration.  These products are made with  the highest quality ingredients such as citrus peel, grapefruit seed extract and lime extracts. Many of the ingredients used in these products will normally biodegrade in less than 24 hours.

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